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BBY Camp Schedule & FAQ

Camp Schedule

Frequently Asked Questions
Lost & FoundPlease call the Barbara Barrington Jones Family Foundation at 801-766-5005 for lost items. If an item is left behind at camp, we are happy to mail it to you if found, but you will need to pay for the shipping costs. You may also stop by our office to pick up any items we have retrieved.
When is BBY Camp?June 9 -13th, 2025 at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, UT
Tuition ScholarshipsThose that are in need of a partial scholarship (anywhere from $50.00 - $350.00) should fill out an official 'Scholarship Application and Financial Need Form' that can be found HERE. We are asking for a minimum of $150.00 to be paid by each girl. You will need to officially register as well to secure a spot should you receive a scholarship. If you are granted a scholarship, you will be notified and we will change the amount due on your registration. If you do not receive a scholarship and are unable to attend, please let us know ASAP and we will refund you the 150.00 deposit and open that spot for another girl. Deposit and forms must be turned in by April 1, 2025 to be considered.
Clothing & Grooming StandardsParticipants are asked to uphold the standards of the “For the Strength of Youth” pamphlet found HERE, and should be modest, neat and clean in appearance and fit. Please no short shorts, tank tops, or spaghetti straps. This also applies to Sunday dress, Girls Night Out wear, and Prom dresses.
Cancellation and Refund Policy$10 of your tuition is nonrefundable. In the event you need to cancel, you will be refunded as defined below: Cancellations received before May 15th are refunded $490 After May 16th, tuition is nonrefundable. **Anyone exhibiting symptoms of illness/sickness will be sent home and invited to continue camp virtually with us. A refund will be given for these participants. Be the Best You cannot be held responsible for any change or cancellation charges required by airlines, travel agencies, or other establishments. To cancel, call our office at 801-766-5005
Check-IN DetailsCheck-IN : Monday June 9th, 2025 Show Barn at Thanksgiving Point 3003 N Thanksgiving Way Lehi, UT 84043 Please bring one suitcase/duffel bag with everything you need for the week. If we are missing payment or registration information, your daughter will not be able to join her group until that is completed. We also ask that each girl have their pair of scissors and fleece out, as well as anything else you’ll need that day (medication, water bottle, etc.) because participants will not have access to their luggage until 8 pm.
Behavior StandardsParticipants are invited to attend this program provided they maintain the standards in the “For the Strength of Youth” pamphlet presented by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The pamphlet can be found HERE. These standards include maintaining high standards of honor, language, morality, modesty of dress, as well as abstinence from tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea, or harmful drugs. Registration constitutes acceptance and consent to abide by these standards.
Camp Packing ListThe packing list for BBY 2025 is emailed to all registrants 2 months before camp begins.
Contact During CampIn the event of an emergency, please call the camp line at 801-766-5005. Messages will be given to the participant’s head counselor.
Leaving Camp & VisitorsVisitors are not allowed during BBY Camp for participants or counselors. If you need to leave camp, a parent or guardian will need to contact our office at (801) 766-5005 to check you out for the time you will be absent. Please let us know prior to camp so we can make the necessary arrangements. Otherwise, participants will not be allowed to leave camp or the supervised activities.
Insurance CoverageEach participant is included in a limited coverage ($2,500 maximum benefit) accident insurance policy while they are under the direction and supervision of Be The Best You Camp. If they leave the required supervision of their counselor and staff or leave the campus after hours or without permission, they are not covered by our insurance. The insurance does not cover illness (such as cold symptoms, stomach aches, etc.) or pre-existing conditions. Each participant needs to be covered with a medical insurance policy. If they do not have health insurance, a waiver will need to be signed by parents and participants and their parents will be responsible for any costs associated with treatment in event of an emergency.
Who can attend camp?Registration is open to girls ages 11 to 18 of any religious affiliation who agree to uphold the standards of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Accommodations & Roommate RequestsAll participants will stay either at the Springhill Suites Marriott at Thanksgiving Point or the Tru by Hilton Hotel in Lehi, UT. Our policy is that all girls requesting to room together must be within one grade or one year in age of each other. We can only guarantee one roommate request- where each participant must request the other to match up. Participants ages 10-13 may request up to 4 roommates Participants ages 14-18 may request up to 3 roommates These requests for linking are submitted by stating each name in the registration form.
Guidelines for Youth with Special Needs and ConsiderationsPARENT OR GUARDIAN RESPONSIBILITIES: BBY must be informed of specific medical, dietary, and behavioral needs and conditions of a registered youth at least 3 weeks prior to attending BBY to determine the extent of our ability to provide reasonable accommodations. (Failure to contact and allow BBY sufficient time to provide reasonable accommodations for special needs may result in BBY not being able to provide the accommodation.) Parents of any youth requesting an accommodation must visit with Health Counselors during Monday Check-in to review needs and concerns. A participant exhibiting disruptive behavior will be sent home immediately at the parent’s expense. YOUTH ATTENDING BBY MUST BE ABLE TO: Care for their individual needs Follow directions and participate in program activities Act respectfully and appropriately towards others
Camp Tuition & RegistrationTuition for Be the Best You Camp 2025 is $500. Early bird pricing, if registered by January 31st is $375.00. Register HERE A deposit of $150 must be made when registering. Full tuition payment is due by May 1st. Payment can be completed online with credit card in registration window OR Venmo @BarbaraBJones with participant name & BBY Camp in memo. Tuition includes all meals (catered by Thanksgiving Point), lodging (at SpringHill Suites Marriott & The Tru by Hilton), program supplies, a t-shirt, journal, backpack, and more!
Check-OUT DetailsCheck-OUT on June 13th begins with our Parent Seminar Parent Seminar 10:00 am Thanksgiving Point Show Barn In this 30 minute program the camp director, Barbara Barrington Jones, will touch on highlights of the week and how you can take this experience home with your daughter. The program will conclude with your daughter performing. After the program, your daughter’s luggage will be waiting outside the Show Barn, and together you will collect her things and depart. There will also be a table to collect any electronic devices and/or lost & found items.
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