Did you know that is Spanish, Mas means more?
So this Christ-mas season, let's focus a little more on our Savior Jesus Christ.

With all the hustle and bustle of Christmastime:
Family Parties
Presents under the tree
Ugly sweater parties
white elephant gift exchanges
Gingerbread houses
lots and lots and lots of delicious food....
What are some ways we can keep CHRIST in Christmas?
Here are 4 simple ideas:
1. Serve others. Christ’s every action and decision was based on the welfare of others. He thought not of Himself but of His Father in Heaven, His brothers and sisters, and the eternal nature of His calling. He sacrificed not only His very body and life, but each and every moment He lived, and decision He made, was made for us. We can honor Him this season by thinking of others before ourselves and giving (time, gifts, help) without thought of receipt.
2. Decorate with Christ as the center of the décor. It is easy to get caught up in Santa Claus, Elf on the shelf, and other cute and fun décor. By making a point to decorate with more Christ based Christmas decorations you will be reminded (as well as family and visitors) of the true meaning of Christmas.
3. Take time to watch the nativity video posted here! :)
4. Always remember Him. When we actually give our thoughts room to contemplate the Savior’s birth, His life, and His sacrifice, we make room in our hearts to feel His love. Read about Christ’s life from the Bible or other spiritual books such as “The Tale of Three Trees”. Take time each day to contemplate what Christ has done for you and you will feel His peace.
We know that as we focus on Christ and becoming like Him this Christmas season, we will be happier and be able to start 2016 off right! We are so grateful for our Savior, and for the opportunity He has given us to meet all of you. We know He lives, and loves each and every one of us.
We invite each of you to share your testimony in some simple way this next week!