There are always a lot of fun things going on over the summer, but at Be The Best You
girls camp, we have an endless amount of fun! So we decided to tell you just 26 of
the super awesome things we pack in to one week!

ACCEPTANCE – We come to BBY to be true to ourselves and we are all accepted and
loved as who we are!
BARBARA – You can’t help but LOVE Barbara. She always has the best messages and
Melweena always has the best jokes!
CONCERTS – BBY always kicks off and ends with a fun concert! It’s not summer
without them.
DANCING – BBY is a nonstop dance party and its probably one of the best parts of
the week.
ETIQUETTE – Barbara shares her knowledge with us about dating and dining
etiquette so that we know how to be cool on an awkward first date.
FRIENDS – You make BEST friends for life at BBY!
GIRLS NIGHT OUT – Everyone needs a good girls night every now and then, and BBY
throws an epic girls night!
HEART ATTACKS – What better way to thank all the amazing people that help with
camp than with an explosion of billions of paper hearts?
INSPIRATION – BBY inspires us all to believe in ourselves and become the best we
can be!
JOHN BYTHEWAY – Just one of the incredible speakers we have coming to camp this
KIDS CARNIVAL – Kids are adorable and throwing a carnival for children from the
Boys and Girls Clubs is definitely the cutest part of the week.
LAUGHS – When you spend an entire week with awesome friends, crazy counselors
and fun activities, all you do is laugh.
MOVIE NIGHT – This year we will be watching Cinderella since our theme is Have
courage and be kind!
NIK DAY – A popular EFY singer will be performing a fun inspirational concert for
the girls! We’re lucky to have him!
OUTSTANDING DEVOTIONALS – The purpose of BBY is to strengthen our
testimonies or Jesus Christ so we start and end each day the best way possible with
a spiritual devotional!
PROM – What girl doesn’t LOVE getting dressed up in a pretty dress and dancing the
night away with prince Charming? That’s why we throw a prom!
QUIET – We’re not quiet at camp. We cheer. And sing. And yell. Loudly.
REALLY COOL COUNSELORS – The crazy fun goofy counselors are great role models
that will ALWAYS be there for you!
SPECIAL NEEDS PRINCESS PARTY – We are all princesses and daughters of a King,
so having a princess party for girls with special needs is an incredible reminder of
that. And everyone loves princesses!
TALENTS – We all have out own unique talents and strengths. At BBY, we learn
about those talents and how we can develop them and use them!
UNITY – We are changing the world TOGETHER one person at a time.
VALUABLE MEMORIES – You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll remember your BBY
experience forever.
WOMAN TO WOMAN – This years service project with be raising money to support
the Woman to Woman Project! A project to build a Mother/Child Health Care Unit in
Basra, Iraq.
EXERCISE – Between the dancing and parties and activities, we also learn about
good exercise and nutrition to make sure we always stay active, healthy and feeling
our best!
YUMMY FOOD – Thanksgiving Point Catering knows how to cook lots of good food.
It doesn’t get much better than that.
ZIPLOCK BAGS FULL OF CANDY – They are necessary to our super energetic
survival when we are having a crazy amount of fun all day with very little sleep.
There are so many reasons why Be The Best You girls camp is such a special week
for everyone. This list is just a start. So come find out for yourself what makes this
camp the best part of everyone’s summer!