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Give Thanks

We LOVE this wonderful season of November. A month to really focus in and celebrate gratitude. There is truly something magnificent and life altering when your focus shifts from everything thats wrong to everything thats right. Gratitude makes what you have enough. And in this year of simplifying and doing our best day to day to keep a smile on our faces, gratitude is the key. We wanted to share some gratitude thoughts, ideas, and resources with you!

  1. First and foremost, the message today by President Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was truly a message from our loving Heavenly Father. What a way to end 2020 by focusing on the good and noticing the things in our life that make us smile and uplift our hearts. Listen to his message and join in his invitation! We hope to see the many posts you'll make using the hashtag #GiveThanks :) We KNOW that this will BLESS YOUR LIFE.

2. Keep a Gratitude Journal.

There are so many ways to do this! You can buy a blank journal and keep a daily sentence of gratitude for the day. As you look back and read it one day, youll notice even more God's hand and fingerprints in your life. We also love these gratitude journals that have a daily prompt for you each day to focus on what youre grateful for. There are a bunch of fun guided gratitude journals you can also find on Amazon. You may even try documenting it with an app. They even have where you can link a picture to each day's gratitude sentence and you can print it out at the end of the year. Some of our very favorites are:

3. You can download this free Gratitude Journal here. You may also want to make this fun Thanksgiving Gratitude Banner using this printable

4. Listen or Read the BEST talks on Gratitude .

- "An Attitude of Gratitude" By: Thomas S. Monson

- "Remembrance and Gratitude" By: Henry B Eyring

- "Grateful in Any Circumstances" By: Dieter F. Uchtdorf

5. Make a video with your family members and friends each saying something they are grateful for this year. This is something that no matter where you are living or social distanced at the moment, you can make a video to connect your hearts in gratitude. Heres a video to get your ideas flowing!

We LOVE you and send our LOVE to you and your loved ones in this beautiful season of gratitude. We are thankful for the LIGHTS you share and service you give. Keep shining and uniting in gratitude and kindness!



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