We are so excited for the upcoming General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We look forward to hearing from our living Prophet of God and His apostles every 6 months and know that their words will be what God wants us to hear at this exact time in our lives. With so much chaos in the world, we anticipate the PEACE and COMFORT this weekend brings as we have the opportunity to draw closer to Christ. Here are a few ways you can make General Conference weekend extra special this year!
1. PREPARE YOUR HEARTS and MIND. We encourage you to have a daily prayer this upcoming week, inviting the spirit to be with you and to prepare to set aside time to hear the words being prepared. Come with questions in your mind about what you want to spirit to teach you. We have created this simple packet just for you to print out and write in as you prepare and watch or listen to Conference. Download for free by clicking the link below. Enjoy!
2. CREATE A SPACE to watch or listen to Conference. Make it according to your needs and likes! How can you make an environment ready for you to feel peaceful and learn? Maybe its cleaning up your bedroom or living room or maybe its going for a drive to nature and listening on an IPAD/radio. What distractions might be in your space that you can minimize? We love to remember what Robert D. Hales taught - "What is said is not as important as what we hear and what we feel. That is why we make an effort to experience conference in a setting where the still, small voice of the Spirit can be clearly heard, felt, and understood."
3. PREPARE SNACKS! Some of our favorites include these cinnamon rolls, or these fun breakfast ideas.
4. INVITE FRIENDS! You may want to watch it alone or you may enjoy watching with your family or friends. You can tune in to General Conference by visiting HERE or on byutv.org
We hope you will ALL feel of God's immeasurable love for each of you next weekend and every day. Always remember WHOSE you are. You are in His hands and He KNOWS you. We know He will be giving you guidance on how to find joy and get through these very days. We cant wait to share with you our favorite quotes and thoughts. We will have free downloadable quotes following Conference so send us in your favorites on our social media or email.
Here is a printable card you can print and give a friend this week - Keep spreading kindness!
