By: Barbara Barrington Jones

The Winning Formula, when put into practice, is sure to make a POSITIVE difference in your life!

I encourage you to take time every day to do something in each of these areas.
Mental : Learn something new, read a book/join a book club, take an online class, learn a new skill or hobby
Physical: Take a walk, run outside, play a sport, dance, find your favorite workout video, learn how to make a healthy recipe, garden, etc...
Spiritual: Take time to study and meditate/reflect, read the scriptures and ponder one verse, PRAY, Read your "Jesus Calling" book
Attitude: Write in a gratitude journal daily. Tell someone what you are grateful for/write a thank you card...
Self Discipline: Create a morning routine/nightly routine for yourself that focuses on these areas and stick to it! You will find that all worthwhile and wonderful things come with hard work, grit, and persistence.
Social/Emotional: GIVE, SERVE, LOVE - KINDNESS!
Be a "BEE THERE GIRL" and notice those around you who you can uplift and serve.